Monday, November 17, 2008

Natural Beauty and Makeup Artistry - Why?

In a world of fast-paced, get-it-now, don't have time to mess around, let's just git-r-done, type of living, it can seem like paying attention to the natural basics requires too much time and money, honey. Possibly. At first. Then, before you know it, the lifestyle catches on, and so does awareness along with educating yourself on what kind of harm leaving the basics, is doing to you and your loved ones.

Yet another male friend we know was diagnosed with Leukemia today. That sucks and I am tired of hearing it. If you don't believe that cancers are very often caused by toxins and pollutants, check out the facts (reliable sources, of course) for yourself. This blogger, makeup artist/actress/business owner's main goal is primarily to share some really easy ways of reducing the exposure you may have in your home, purse, pockets and car. Most of the harmful substances can be quickly replaced with simple and natural alternatives. Someone or something just has to quickly turn you onto your modern and old-fashioned choices. It is a choice, after all. And- opening your mind and home to it has to be fun, funny and backed by fact. Read on if interested:

Each blog contains some tip and review of typical products found in our makeup case and personal care space. Complete with brand names, make-your-own recipes or try it sometime, suggestions. Emphasis on suggested use. Blah, blah, blah...I cannot recommend, always ask your doctor first before trying something new or changing the tv know the disclaimers. Seriously though, allergic reactions and harm can come from natural products (think - Lard binge) so use your own best judgement.

First and foremost to put on your Web favourites: EWG Skin Deep site Here you can pull up your favourite body care product, cosmetics, baby lotion, etc. and find out just what is in it and what those ingredients can potentially cause or not. The shopping guide is great. EWG is non-biased and doesnt promote any particular lines...kind of wish they did...and will give each product a rating. One of the best features is the explanation of ingredients. For example- if you ever use false eyelash adhesive, look up the ingredient FORMALIN on the package ingredient list. The go to Skin Deep site ( I would tell you ahead of time what formalin is and causes, but it's better you find out for yourself. That was the first product I changed in my makeup artist kit. No way would I expose clients or myself to such a harmful chemical. I hurriedly developed an eyelash adhesive that had staying power but was also non-toxic. Isn't it our duty to watch out for and protect our clients. Keep em' around for awhile, maybe?

Purified urine is in many body care products too. Email me back and let me know if you found the proper synthetic name. Extra points if you know what cockroach shells are referred to as. Hint: I believe it was Yoplait yogurt that used them quite a bit in the strawberry flavoured varieties.

Next blog topic, natural beauties: Vaseline, not just for greasing your engines anymore. Oh yeah, it will be racey! Until then, be safe and live well!

~ Laura Lee Makeup Artist & Product Developer


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Arun Singh said...
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